Temperature-Related Death and Illness
Key Findings
Key Finding 1: Future Increases in Temperature-Related Deaths
Based on present-day
Key Finding 2: Even Small Differences from Seasonal Average Temperatures Result in Illness and Death
Days that are hotter than usual in the summer or colder than usual in the winter are both associated with increased illness and death [Very High Confidence].
Key Finding 3: Changing Tolerance to Extreme Heat
An increase in population tolerance to extreme heat has been observed over time [Very High Confidence].
Changes in this tolerance have been associated with increased use of air conditioning, improved social responses, and/or physiological
Key Finding 4: Some Populations at Greater Risk
Older adults and children have a higher
The Earth is warming due to elevated concentrations of
Days that are hotter than the average seasonal temperature in the summer or colder than the average seasonal temperature in the winter cause increased levels of illness and death by compromising the body’s ability to regulate its temperature or by inducing
direct or indirect health complications. Figure 2.1 provides a conceptual model of the various
Figure 2.1:
Climate Change and Health—Extreme Heat
Temperature extremes most directly affect
Extreme temperatures are typically defined by some measure, for example, an ambient temperature, heat index (a combination of temperature and humidity), or wind chill (a combination of temperature and wind speed), exceeding predefined thresholds over
a number of days.2,3,
8 Extremes can be defined by average, minimum, or maximum daily temperatures, by nighttime temperatures, or by daytime temperatures.
However, there is no standard method for defining a
One exception to using relative measures of temperature is that there are some critical physical and weather condition thresholds that are absolute. For example, one combined measure of humidity and temperature is known as the wet bulb temperature. As the wet bulb temperature reaches or exceeds the threshold of 35°C (95°F), the human body can no longer cool through perspiration, and recent evidence suggest that there is a physical heat tolerance limit in humans to sustained temperatures above 35°C that is similar across diverse climates.13 The combined effects of temperature and humidity have been incorporated in tools such as heat index tables, which reflect how combinations of heat and relative humidity “feel.” The heat index in these tools is often presented with notes about the potential nature and type of health risks different combinations of temperature and humidity may pose, along with confounding conditions such as exposure to direct sunlight or strong winds.
Variations in heat wave definitions make it challenging to compare results across studies or determine the most appropriate public health warning systems.8, 14 This is important as the associations between deaths and illnesses and extreme heat conditions vary depending on the methods used for defining the extreme conditions.2,15, 16
Two broad approaches are used to study the relationship between temperatures and illness and death: direct attribution and statistical methods.17, 18
Direct Attribution Studies
With direct attribution, researchers link
Statistical Studies
Statistical studies measure the impact of temperature on death and illness using methods that relate the number of cases (for example, total daily deaths in a city) to observed weather conditions and other socio-
Many studies include all the days in the study period, which makes it possible to capture changes in deaths resulting from small variations of temperatures from their seasonal averages. Other methods restrict the analysis to days that exceed some threshold for extreme heat or cold conditions.22 Some studies incorporate methods that determine different health relationships for wind, air pressure, and cloud cover as well as the more common temperature and humidity measures.15 Another approach is to identify a heat event and compare observed illness and deaths during the event with a carefully chosen comparison period.23, 24,25 Many of these methods also incorporate socio-demographic factors (for example, age, race, and poverty) that may affect the temperature–death relationship.
Comparing Results of Direct Attribution and Statistical Studies
Comparing death estimates across studies is therefore complicated by the use of different criteria for temperature extremes, different analytical methods, varying time periods, and different affected populations. Further, it is widely accepted that characteristics
of extreme temperature events such as duration, intensity, and timing in season directly affect actual death totals.2,
12 Estimates of the average number of deaths attributable to heat and cold considering all temperatures, rather than just those associated
These two methods (direct attribution and statistical approaches) yield very different results for several reasons. First, statistical approaches generally suggest that the actual number of deaths associated with temperature is far greater than those recorded as temperature-related in medical records. Medical records often do not capture the role of heat in exacerbating the cause of death, only recording the ultimate cause, such as a stroke or a heart attack (see, for example, Figure 2.2, where the excess deaths during the 1995 Chicago heat wave clearly exceeded the number of deaths recorded as heat-related on death certificates). Statistical methods focus on determining how temperature contributes to premature deaths and illness and therefore are not susceptible to this kind of undercount, though they face potential biases due to time-varying factors like seasonality. Both methods depend on temperatures measured at weather stations, though the actual temperature exposure of individuals may differ. In short, while the focus on temperature is consistent in both methods, the methods potentially evaluate very different combinations of deaths and weather conditions.
A number of extreme temperature events in the United States have led to dramatic increases in deaths, including events in Kansas City and St. Louis in 1980, Philadelphia in 1993, Chicago in 1995, and California in 2006. (See
Figure 2.2 for more on the July 1995
Recent U.S. studies in specific communities and for specific extreme temperature events continue to conclude that extreme temperatures, particularly extreme heat, result in premature deaths.7, 30,33, 34 This finding is further reinforced by a growing suite of regional- and national-scale studies documenting an increase in deaths following extreme temperature conditions, using both direct attribution17 and statistical approaches.9,10, 12,15, 35 The connection between heat events and deaths is also evident internationally. The European heat wave of 2003 is an especially notable example, as it is estimated to have been responsible for between 30,000 and 70,000 premature deaths.36 However, statistical approaches find that elevated death rates are seen even for less extreme temperatures. These approaches find an optimal temperature, and show that there are more deaths at any temperatures that are higher or lower than that optimal temperature.11,37 Even though the increase in deaths per degree are smaller near the optimum than at more extreme temperatures, because the percentage of days that do not qualify as extreme are large,38 it can be important to address the changes in deaths that occur for these smaller temperature differences.
A recent analysis of U.S. deaths from temperature extremes based on death records found an average of approximately 1,300 deaths per year from 2006 to 2010 coded as resulting from extreme cold exposures, and 670 deaths per year coded as resulting from
Confounding Factors and Effect Modifiers
While the direct attribution approach underestimates the number of deaths resulting from extreme temperature events, there are a few ways in which the statistical approach may lead to an overestimation. However, any overestimation due to these potential confounding factors and effect modifiers is thought to be much smaller than the direct attribution underestimation.12
The first potential overestimation results from the connection between elevated temperatures and other variables that correlate with temperature, such as poor air quality. This connection involves a combination of factors, including stagnant air masses
and changes in the atmospheric chemistry that affect the concentrations of air pollutants such as

The relationship between
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A second consideration when using statistical approaches to determine the relationship between temperature and deaths is whether some of the individuals who died during the temperature event were already near death, and therefore the temperature event could be considered to have “displaced” the death by a matter of days rather than having killed a person not otherwise expected to die. This effect is referred to as mortality displacement. There is still no consensus regarding the influence of mortality displacement on premature death estimates, but this effect generally accounts for a smaller portion of premature deaths as events become more extreme.7, 12,45, 46,47
Evidence of Adaptation to Temperature Extremes
The impact on human health of a given temperature event (for example, a 95°F day) can depend on where and when it occurs. The evidence also shows larger changes in deaths and hospitalizations in response to elevated temperatures in cities where temperatures
are typically cooler as compared with warmer cities.9,
48,49 This suggests that people can adapt, at least partially, to the average temperature that they are used to experiencing. Some of this effect can be explained by differences in
An increased tolerance to extreme temperatures has also been observed over multiyear and multidecadal periods.9, 10,51, 52,53 This improvement is likely due to some combination of physiological acclimatization, increased prevalence and use of air conditioning,10 and general improvements in public health over time,9,51 but the relative importance of each is not yet clear.53
Recent changes in urban planning and development programs reflect an adaptive trend implemented partially in response to the anticipated temperature health risks of
Observed Trends in Heat Deaths
As discussed in Chapter 1, U.S. average temperature has increased by 1.3°F to 1.9°F since 1895, with much of that increase occurring since 1970, though this temperature increase has not been uniform geographically
and some regions, such as the Southeast, have seen little increase in temperature and extreme heat over time.1,
15 This warming is attributable to elevated concentrations of
Temperature extremes are linked to a range of illnesses reported at emergency rooms and hospitals. However, estimates for the national burden of illness associated with extreme temperatures are limited.
Using a direct attribution approach, an analysis of a nationally representative database from the Healthcare Utilization Project (HCUP) produced an annual average estimate of 65,299 emergency visits for
High ambient heat has been associated with adverse impacts for a wide range of illnesses.25 Examples of illnesses associated with extreme heat include
Statistical studies examine the association between extreme heat and illness using data from various healthcare access points (such as hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and ambulance dispatches). The majority of these studies examine the
association of extreme heat with cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. For these particular health outcomes, the evidence is mixed, as many studies observed elevated risks of illness during periods of extreme heat but others
found no evidence of elevated levels of illness.24,
69,70 The evidence on some of the other health outcomes is more robust. Across emergency department visits and hospital admissions, high temperature have been associated with renal diseases,
While there is still
A warmer future is projected to lead to increases in future
Less is known about how non-fatal illnesses will change in response to projected increases in heat. However, hospital admissions related to respiratory, hormonal, urinary, genital, and
The decrease in deaths and illness due to reductions in winter cold have not been as well studied as the health impacts of increased heat, but the reduction in premature deaths from cold are expected to be smaller than the increase in deaths from heat in the United States.22,26, 35,38, 75,77 While this is true nationally (with the exception of Barreca 2012),75 it may not hold for all regions within the country.27 Similarly, international studies have generally projected a net increase in deaths from a warming climate, though in some regions, decreases in cold mortality may outweigh increases in heat mortality.91 The projected net increase in deaths is based in part on historical studies that show that an additional extreme hot day leads to more deaths than an additional extreme cold day, and in part on the fact that the decrease in extreme cold deaths is limited as the total number of cold deaths approaches zero in a given location.
It is important to distinguish between generally higher wintertime mortality rates that are not strongly associated with daily temperatures—such as respiratory infections and some cardiovascular disease 12, 92—from mortality that is more directly related to the magnitude of the cold temperatures. Some recent studies have suggested that factors leading to higher wintertime mortality rates may not be sensitive to climate warming, and that deaths due to these factors are expected to occur with or without climate change. Considering this, some estimates of wintertime mortality may overstate the benefit of climate change in reducing wintertime deaths.46, 93,94
The U.S. population has become less sensitive to heat over time. Factors that have contributed to this change include
Projected changes in future health outcomes associated with extreme temperatures can be difficult to quantify. Projections can depend on 1) the characterization of population
Impacts of temperature extremes are geographically varied and disproportionally affect certain
Older adults are a rapidly growing population in the United States, and heat impacts are projected to occur in places where older adults are heavily concentrated and therefore most exposed.99 Older adults are at higher risk for temperature-related

Physiological factors and participation in vigorous outdoor activities make children particularly vulnerable to extreme heat.
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Children are particularly vulnerable because they must rely on others to help keep them safe. This is especially true in environments that may lack air conditioning, including homes, schools, or cars (see also Ch. 9: Populations of Concern).
102 The primary
Where a person lives, works, or goes to school can also make them more vulnerable to health impacts from extreme temperatures. Of particular concern for densely populated cities is the
Race, ethnicity, and

Certain occupational groups such as agricultural workers, construction workers, and electricity and pipeline utility workers are at increased
© Fotosearch
Outdoor workers spend a great deal of time exposed to temperature extremes, often while performing vigorous activities. Certain occupational groups such as agricultural workers, construction workers, and electricity and pipeline utility workers are at
increased risk for heat- and cold-related illness, especially where jobs involve heavy exertion.100,
113,114 One study found failure of employers to provide for
Mental, behavioral, and
Emerging and cross-cutting issues include 1) disparate ways that extreme temperature and
The health effects addressed in this chapter are not the only ways in which heat and health are related. For example, research indicates that hotter temperatures may lead to an increase in violent crime118 and could negatively affect the labor force, especially occupational health for outdoor sectors.119,
120 Extreme temperatures also interact with air quality, which can complicate estimating how extreme temperature events impact human health
in the absence of air quality changes (see Section 2.5.1). In addition, increased heat may also increase
Though the estimates of the health impact from extreme heat discussed in the “Research Highlight” were produced only for urban areas (which provided a large sample size for statistical validity), there is also emerging evidence regarding high rates of
heat-related illness in rural areas.6,62Occupational
Other changes in human behavior will also have implications for the linkage between climate and heat-related illness. Changes in building
Finally, projecting
In addition to the emerging issues identified above, the authors highlight the following potential areas for additional scientific and research activity on temperature-related illness and death based on their review of the literature. Improved modeling
and more robust projections of
Future assessments can benefit from research activities that:
- further explore the associations between
exposure to a range of high and low temperatures and exacerbation of illnesses across locations and healthcare settings; - improve understanding of how genetic factors and social determinants contribute to
vulnerability to illness and death from extreme temperature exposures; - analyze the combined health effects of temperature and other discrete climate-sensitive stressors, such as changing air quality, smoke from wildfires, or impacts of extreme
weather events; - attribute changes in observed
mortality to a changing climate; - develop effective adaptive responses to reduce the potential adverse health outcomes attributable to changing temperatures; and
- explore how future adaptive measures and behaviors can be included in quantitative models of health impacts associated with extreme temperatures
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