Mental Health and Well-Being
Key Findings
Key Finding 1: Exposure to Disasters Results in Mental Health Consequences
Many people exposed to
Key Finding 2: Specific Groups of People Are at Higher Risk
Specific groups of people are at higher
Key Finding 3: Climate Change Threats Result in Mental Health Consequences and Social Impacts
Many people will experience adverse mental
Key Finding 4: Extreme Heat Increases Risks for People with Mental Illness
People with mental illness are at higher
The effects of global
The social and mental health consequences of extreme

Residents and volunteers in Queens, New York City, filter through clothes and food supplies from donors following Superstorm Sandy on November 3, 2012. A majority of individuals psychologically affected by a traumatic event recover over time, and some experience a set of positive changes that known as post-traumatic growth as a result of coping with or experiencing a traumatic event.
© Alec McClure/Demotix/Corbis
The threat of climate change is a key
People have inherent capabilities to adjust to new information and experiences and adopt new behaviors to cope with change. There is also an array of interventions and treatments that mental health practitioners use to address mental health conditions and stress reactions. These interventions occur within the context of health systems that have finite resources to deliver these services. These considerations are not discussed in detail, as this chapter focuses on the state of the science regarding the effects of climate change on mental health and well-being, rather than potential actions that could be taken in response to the impacts and risks associated with climate change.
Figure 8.1: Climate Change and Mental Health and Wellness
The cumulative and interactive effects of
Figure 8.2: Impact of Climate Change on Physical, Mental, and Community Health
Extreme Weather Events
In the United States, the mental health impacts of extreme weather mainly have been studied in response to hurricanes and floods17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 and, to a lesser extent, wildfires.25,26,27,28 Though many studies discuss the mental health impacts of specific historical events, they are demonstrative of the types of mental health issues that could arise as climate change leads to further increases in the frequency, severity, or duration of some types of extreme weather (see Ch. 1: Introduction and Ch. 4: Extreme Events). The mental health impacts of these events, such as hurricanes, floods, and drought, can be expected to increase as more people experience the stress—and often trauma—of these disasters.
Many people exposed to climate- or weather-related natural disasters experience stress reactions and serious mental health consequences, including symptoms of

An elderly couple walk to the Superdome days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall. New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1, 2005
© Michael Ainsworth Dallas Morning News/Corbis
Depression and general anxiety are also common consequences of extreme events (such as hurricanes and floods) that involve a loss of life, resources, or social support and social networks or events that involve extensive relocation and life disruption.20,21,23,29,30,31,33,37,41,46,50,51,52,53,54 For example, long-term anxiety and depression, PTSD, and increased aggression (in children) have been found to be associated with floods.55 First responders following a disaster also experience increased rates of anxiety and depression.37
Increases from pre-disaster rates have been observed in interpersonal and domestic violence, including intimate partner violence,5,56 particularly toward women, in the wake of climate- or weather-related disasters.37,57,58 High-risk coping behaviors, such as alcohol abuse, can also increase following extreme weather events.37,38,59,60,61,62 Individuals who use alcohol to cope with stress and those with preexisting alcohol use disorders are most vulnerable to increased alcohol use following extreme weather events.62
Persons directly affected by a climate- or weather-related disaster are at increased
Climate- or weather-related disasters can strain the resources available to provide adequate mental (or even immediate physical) health care, due to the increased number of individuals who experience severe stress and mental health reactions. Communities adversely affected by these events also have diminished interpersonal and social networks available to support mental health needs and recovery due to the destruction and disruption caused by the event.65
Many regions in the United States have experienced drought (see Ch. 1: Introduction and Ch. 4: Extreme Events).66 Long-term drought, unlike sudden extreme weather events, has a slow onset and long duration.66,67 Long-term drought interacts over time with multiple environmental and social stressors to disrupt lives and livelihoods and the functioning of individuals, households, and communities.68,69,70 Prolonged drought can have visible and long-term impacts on landscapes, on rural agricultural industries and communities, and on individual and community
Cascading and interacting economic, social, and daily life circumstances have accompanied prolonged drought in rural regions. Drought-related worry and psychological distress increased in drought-declared Australian regions, particularly for those experiencing loss of livelihood and industry.2,72,74,75,76 Long-term drought has been linked to increased incidence of suicide among male farmers in Australia.2,77
Extreme Heat
The majority (80.7%) of the U.S. population lives in cities and urban areas78 and urbanization is expected to increase in the future.79 People in cities may experience greater exposure to heat-related health effects during heat waves (see Ch. 2: Temperature-Related Death and Illness). The impact of extreme heat on mental health is associated with increased incidence of disease and death, aggressive behavior, violence, and suicide and increases in hospital and emergency room admissions for those with mental health or
Individuals with mental illness are especially vulnerable to extreme heat or heat waves. In six case-control studies involving 1,065
People who are isolated and have difficulty caring for themselves—often characteristics of the elderly or those with a mental illness—are also at higher risk for heat-related incidence of disease and death.86,88 Fewer opportunities for social interaction and increased isolation89,90,91 put people at elevated risk for not only heat-related illness and death but also decline in mental health and, in some cases, increases in aggression and violence.5 Hotter temperatures and poorer air quality limit people’s outdoor activities. For many, reductions in outdoor exercise and stress-reducing activities lead to diminished physical health, increased stress, and poor mental health.5
There may be a link between extreme heat (climate change related or otherwise) and increasing violence, aggressive motives, and/or aggressive behavior.80,92,93,94 The frequency of interpersonal violence and intergroup conflict may increase with more extreme precipitation and hotter temperatures.83 These impacts can include heightened aggression, which may result in increased interpersonal violence and violent crime, negatively impacting individual and societal mental health and well-being.85 Given projections of increasing temperatures (see Ch. 2: Temperature-Related Death and Illness), there is potential for increases in human conflict, but the causal linkages between climate change and conflict are complex and the evidence is still emerging.83,95,96
Threat of Climate Change as a Stressor

People experience the threat of
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Many people are routinely exposed to images, headlines, and risk messages about the threat of current and projected climate change. Forty percent of Americans report hearing about climate change in the media at least once a month.97
Noteworthy environmental changes associated with climate change constitute a powerful environmental stressor—an ongoing and stress-inducing condition or aspect of an individual’s everyday environment.69,98,99 Equally concerning are adverse impacts relating to people’s connections to place and identity, and consequent sense of loss and disconnection.11
About half of Americans reported being worried about climate change in a 2015 survey. However, these people tended to see climate change as a relatively distant threat: 36% said global warming would harm them personally, while more expected harm to come to people in other countries and to future generations.97 Public risk perceptions of the phenomenon and threat of climate change is associated with stigma, dread risk (such as a heightened fear of low-probability, high-consequence events), and
Many individuals experience a range of adverse psychological responses to the hybrid risk of climate change impacts. A hybrid risk is an ongoing threat or event, which is perceived or understood as reflecting both natural and human causes and processes. These responses include heightened risk perceptions, preoccupation, general anxiety, pessimism, helplessness, eroded sense of self and collective control, stress, distress, sadness, loss, and guilt.1,4,5,16,56,108,109,110,111,112
Media representations of serious environmental risks, such as climate change, are thought to elicit strong emotional responses,7,113 in part dependent on how climate change information is presented.114 People experience the threat of climate change through frequent media coverage describing events and future risks attributed to climate change. They also are directly exposed to increasingly visible changes in local environments and seasonal patterns, and in the frequency, magnitude, and intensity of extreme weather events.6,115 Furthermore, between 2012 and 2013, roughly a third of U.S. survey respondents report that they have personally experienced the effects of global warming.12,13 Exposure to climate change through the media could cause undue stress if the media coverage is scientifically inaccurate or discouraging. However, effective risk communication promotes adaptive and preventive individual or collective action.4,5,116,117,118,119
Resilience and Recovery
A majority of individuals psychologically affected by a traumatic event (such as a climate-related disaster) will recover over time.120 A set of positive changes that can occur in a person as a result of coping with or experiencing a traumatic event is called post-traumatic growth.121,122,123,124 An array of intervention approaches used by mental health practitioners also may reduce the adverse consequence of traumatic events. While most people who are exposed to a traumatic event can be expected to recover over time, a significant proportion (up to 20%) of individuals directly exposed develop
Disaster-related stress reactions and accompanying psychological impacts occur in many individuals directly exposed to the event and can continue over extended time periods (up to a year or more). For example, three months after Hurricane Andrew, 38% of children (age 8 to 12 years) living in affected areas of south Florida reported symptom levels consistent with a “probable diagnosis” of PTSD. At 10 months post-disaster, this proportion declined to about 18%,21,44 representing a substantial decrease but still indicating a significant number of individuals with serious mental health issues resulting from the disaster event.
Emerging evidence shows that individuals who are actively involved in climate change adaptation or

Children are at particular
© Aurora/Aurora Photo/Corbis
Children are at particular risk for distress, anxiety, and other adverse mental health effects in the aftermath of an extreme event. As children are constantly developing, their reactions will vary by age and developmental level. Children have been shown to possess an innate
Children are dependent on others for care and a significant predictor of mental health and well-being in a child is the mental health status of the primary caregiver.5,151 If the primary caregiver’s mental health needs are being addressed, then a child will fare better after experiencing a disaster or other
The potential exists for an array of difficult emotional and behavioral responses in children shortly after a disaster, such as
Women, Pregnant Women, and Post-partum Mothers
Post-disaster stress symptoms are often reported more frequently by women than men.154,155 Women have higher
Pregnant and
The many consequences of natural disasters, such as destruction of homes, and of gradual climate change impacts, such as rising temperatures,
In the United States, the number of individuals 65 years of age and older is expected to climb from 47.8 million by the end of 2015 to 98 million in 2060, an increase from 14.9% of the population to 23.6%.162 The aging population may have difficulty responding to the challenges of climate change, as they tend to have higher rates of untreated depression and physical ailments that contribute to their overall vulnerability, such as increased susceptibility to heat and accompanying physical and mental health and well-being impacts.
Physical health problems are associated with the development of mental health problems,163,164 particularly among older adults.137,165 Long-term exposure to air pollution is linked with poorer
Economically Disadvantaged
People living in poverty and with fewer
Many low-income people in the United States are employed in climate-dependent sectors, such as agriculture and fishing, or live in weather- and temperature-vulnerable areas, such as cities, flood zones, and
Emergency Workers and First Responders

Hugh Campbell reacts after firefighters arrive to take over the protection of his home and two of his neighbors' homes in Rim Forest, California, October 3, 2003.
© Carlos Avila Gonzalez/San Francisco Chronicle/Corbis
Emergency workers and first responders, including healthcare workers and public safety workers, are exposed to deaths, injuries, diseases, and mental stress caused by climate and weather-related disasters. As some extreme weather events increase in frequency and severity (see Ch. 4: Extreme Events), there will be an increased need for emergency response workers involved in rescue and cleanup.173 Firefighters, emergency medical service providers, healthcare workers, those recovering human remains, and non-traditional first responders who may be involved with supporting the community after a natural disaster are all at increased risk for mental health consequences, including substance use, both in the short term and long term.174,175
The very nature of the work, which involves being exposed to a traumatic event and helping others in crisis, frequently working long hours in difficult environments and away from loved ones, increases the susceptibility of first responders and emergency workers to experiencing negative mental health consequences. The level of stress and distress in responders increases when the injured are children or people they know.176 Vicarious trauma or identifying with the victim’s suffering, and being overwhelmed by the number and scope of injuries, can also adversely impact the general mental health and well-being of all responders.176,177
Rates of PTSD among first responders have ranged from 13% to 18% up to four years following large-scale response events.174 Among Australian firefighters with PTSD, a large proportion (77%) also presented with simultaneously occurring mental health conditions, such as depression, panic disorder, or phobic disorders.174 In a study of Coast Guard responders to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, local responders were three times more likely to report depression than those who were not local.178
Extreme weather events and natural disasters can cause damage to
People Who Are Homeless
About 30% of people who are chronically homeless suffer from some form of mental illness.181 The majority of homeless populations live in urban and suburban areas, where they are more vulnerable to health risks from exposure to heat waves due to the
Some extreme weather events are projected to become more frequent and severe, and those who become homeless due to these disasters are at increased risk for post-traumatic stress symptoms. People experiencing homelessness are also vulnerable to acquiring a vector-borne illness. Increases in human–mosquito exposure have been observed after hurricanes, such as after Hurricane Katrina.183 For the homeless population,
Individuals with Prior or Preexisting Mental Illness
As of 2013, there were an estimated 43.8 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States who had any mental illness in the past year, representing 18.5% of all adults in the United States.186 An estimated 2.6 million youth age 12–17 had a major depressive episode during the past year.186 People with mental illness and those using medications to treat a variety of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events and extreme heat.137 Between 2005 and 2010, approximately 6% of the U.S. adolescents aged 12–19 reported using medications to treat a mental illness.187 As the U.S. population and average age increases, the total number of U.S. adults with depressive disorders is projected to increase from 33.9 million to 45.8 million from 2005 to 2050—a 35% increase, with those over 65 years old having the largest increase (117%) in depressive disorders.188 As the number of people with mental health disorders increases, so will the number taking medications for these disorders, giving rise to a larger population vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat and extreme weather events.
Extreme weather events carry threats of

Many medications used to treat a variety of mental
© JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Corbis
Many medications used to treat a variety of mental health disorders interfere with temperature regulation and heat elimination and may directly induce hyperthermia. Being dehydrated can also influence the way some medications such as lithium (used to stabilize mood)82,189 or anti-epileptics work in the body.190 One of the major underlying risks for death due to extreme heat is the use of medications that affect the body’s ability to regulate heat or have neurological effects, increasing susceptibility to the effect of heat.191
After the 2012
Several other factors, besides the effects or side effects of medication use, might explain why people with mental illness are vulnerable to heat-related death.196,198 Isolation and deficits in care, common to those with severe mental illness, are critical characteristics of those with the highest rates of heat-related illness and death, as these factors lower the likelihood of utilizing preventive strategies such as showers and cooling shelters during times of extreme heat.192 Those with mental illness often experience poorer overall health and have fewer social supports. Persons with a combination of mental and physical disorders and who are taking more than one kind of medication are also at greater risk of heat-related death.
Multiple issues warrant further attention regarding the impact of
A more specific emerging issue is the effect of extreme temperatures on mental health, in particular suicide. Some studies report a connection between higher temperature and suicide;199 with some indicating increased risk of suicide.200,201,202 The association between hotter temperatures and suicide appears to be stronger for violent suicide methods than for non-violent suicide methods,203 and there is emergent evidence that deaths by suicide may increase above certain temperatures, suggesting hot weather may trigger impulsive and aggressive behaviors.201,204 More studies are needed to better understand the relationship, as negative correlations have been found,205,206 as well as no correlation at all.207,208,209
Children who use methylphenidate (for example, to treat attention deficit disorder) and are engaging in physical activity in hot and humid environments may also be at heightened risk for heat-related illness.210 More studies are needed to assess what the impact will be on children who use behavior modification medications during extreme heat. In addition, more frequent and prolonged heat waves may increase the amount of time spent indoors, which could have an effect on mental health, particularly for children and those who use the outdoors for exercise and stress management.
As more is learned about the relationship between climate change and vector-borne illnesses, it will be important to further understand the scope of mental health consequences for those who become infected. Chapter 5 (Vector-Borne Diseases) addresses the complex relationship between climate change and vector-borne illnesses, focusing primarily on
Clinical depression has been observed in patients who are infected with WNV.211,212 In a long-term observational study, 35% of participants were found to have new-onset depression. Those with the more severe neuroinvasive forms of WNV are at greater risk for depression between 13 to 18 months post-infection.212 People who are left with limited mobility as a result of WNV infection can experience long-term mental health impacts.212 Patient experiences, such as undergoing an extended treatment process or experiencing stress in family or work life due to a lingering illness, can result in mental health consequences.
Poor air quality may have an effect on depression and suicide.213,214,215 While the current literature is not robust enough to imply causation, studies have found significant associations between short-term
The severity of risks to mental health and well-being for Indigenous populations that have a close connection to the environment, and in some cases lower economic resources, is also a concern.144,145,218,219 All of these areas will require further study.
With regard to the impact of climate change related food safety risks, increased
Climate change and rising CO2 levels may increase the
In addition to the emerging issues identified above, the authors highlight the following potential areas for additional scientific and research activity on mental
Future assessments can benefit from research activities that:
- better understand how other health risks from gradual climate change affect mental health, including exposures to extreme heat, poor air quality, diminished food safety and security, and increased vector-borne risks;
- explore the associations between extreme temperatures and violent behavior, including violent suicide;
- develop efficient questionnaires and other methods of collecting data on mental health, psychological, and social impacts for use in epidemiological studies of other health impacts of climate change;
- identify predictors or
risk factors for adverse psychological outcomes followingweather -related or climate-related disasters; - further improve evidence-based practices to facilitate recovery and post-traumatic growth following
extreme events ; - identify the best practices for adaptation and prevention strategies to reduce the impacts of extreme heat on people with mental illness, including patients taking medications that increase their
vulnerability to heat stress; - improve understanding of the effects of secondary
exposure , including cumulative media representations of climate change, as well as how an individual’s understanding of the threat of climate change affects their psychological well-being andresilience ; and - enhance understanding of the mental health and psychosocial impacts of long-term displacement, relocation, or loss of culturally significant geographic features, particularly for Indigenous populations.
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